Execute steps

Good to know: Execute steps have to be configured in a specific order. Your "Trigger" step will always be the first as this is responsible for triggering the bot into action.

The basics

Execute steps are a list of instructions for the bot to follow before a buy transaction can be posted. We cover all of the main requirements for sniping a launch.

Trigger Step

A "Trigger" step is the first step required to activating the execute. This can vary from contract to contract so you should first review the contract and discover how it will launch. For example many contracts will start trading when an enableTrading function is called. Simply set a trigger step for this on your execute and we know not to send any buy transactions until this criteria is met. Be careful to make sure that the hex value is correct for the function required as this is ultimately the important factor when the bot decided if it should buy or not.

Toggle Step

A "Toggle" step is an extension to the "Trigger" step and should only ever be used in conjunction with one. Toggle steps check that the trigger step "toggled" something in state. For example some contracts may launch with a setTrading function which accepts a true or false value. We only want to buy when the trading status is set to true and not when set to false. A toggle step can be used here to read this value. The argument position field determines which parameter in the trigger step we want to read for the toggle value. For example if we had the following launch function: setTrading(uint256 _amount, bool status) we would want an argument position of 1. Arguments start from 0. Argument 0 = amount Argument 1 = _status

Block Step

A "Block" step instructs the bot to wait until a certain amount of blocks have passed since the trigger function was mined onto the chain. This step is used to avoid hard coded antibot mechanics on a contract. The from trigger option works in the exact same manner as the toggle step does in terms of argument positions. The block count modifier simply add x amount of blocks onto the amount that was passed to the trigger call. The gas settings are there to allow you to contract how quickly you want to buy once the safe blocks are reached. As with deadblock buys you do not match the gas sent with the trigger function you must decide for yourself what you will be required to secure a profitable price. Be mindful of the percentage of supply your buying as well as the initial liquidity when making a decision. If buying a low percentage with low liquidity it's not worth paying a large amount in gas fees to secure a better entry as the price will not move that quickly. On the other hand on a high liquidity project with say a 1 percent max buy, the price here will rice much quicker so getting in early makes the difference.

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